Dear Friends, thank you for praying for the work in Ivory Coast.
Noel stopped by to thank us for helping with his wife’s hospital bill due to snake bite. After biting Julie, the snake headed for their baby boy when Noel killed it. God saw to it that they arrived at the nearest hospital by motorcycle where they purchased the last available vial of antivenin. Two days later the swelling in her food subsided enough to go home.
Koffi is the tall fellow in the dark blue shirt shaking my hand. Three years ago, Koffi heard me preach in a remote village south of here. The road (dirt track) was so narrow that brush scratched both sides of the car. In one place we had to fold the mirrors in to drive through a fallen tree. Back then I preached sin originated with Adam and Eve and that you must have a heart change to be born again. Today I preached God sends trials to know if you are serious about a relationship with Him and that the goal of this relationship is eternity in heaven with God. Koffi said yes, he wanted to be born again, but he had lots of questions about our practices compared to other he had observed. After he prayed to be saved; I asked how long he had been searching for GOd by visiting all these other “religious meeting”. He said 10 years. He had even been sprinkled with water from the Jordan river when he visited Morocco!!
Thank you for helping us advance the Kingdom of God in Ivory Coast.